Bilan environnemental de nos missions
EnR * 558 MWh / an
Bilan carbone * 133 t CO2 / an

Page introuvable !

My NOTICE [1024] le template message n'est pas implémenté pour le module Module on line 962 in file /var/www/vhosts/
template(#message#,##,#0004040000000000000#) on line 925 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet MainMain Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object *RECURSION* [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4] => __Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73] => __Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [6] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 139 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => - <span class="adr"> ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 194 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 297 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <span class="postal-code">31580</span> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [21] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 343 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 374 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 433 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [31] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 459 ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [35] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 552 ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 17 [index] => 577 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 667 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => </span> ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 21 [index] => 700 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> ) [50] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </div> ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 26 [index] => 834 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [55] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [56] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 27 [index] => 855 ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [59] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 30 [value] => <span class="fax"></span> ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 31 [value] => </div> ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 32 [index] => 979 ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [66] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 33 [index] => 1005 ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 34 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 35 [value] => <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 36 [value] => </div> ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [72] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 37 [index] => 1129 ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [75] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 38 [index] => 1155 ) [76] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 39 [index] => 1169 ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 40 [value] => <span class="geo"> ) [81] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 41 [value] => <span class="latitude"> ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 42 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 43 [value] => </span> ) [84] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 44 [value] => <span class="longitude"> ) [85] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 45 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [86] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 46 [value] => </span> ) [87] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 47 [value] => </span> ) [88] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [89] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 48 [index] => 1385 ) [90] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [91] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [92] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 49 [index] => 1398 ) [93] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [94] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 50 [value] => </section> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 1400 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 50 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 50 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [D0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4] => private function sectionD0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8] => private function section9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8] => private function sectionA736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8] => private function sectionC54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [D8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f] => private function sectionD8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f] => private function section4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f] => private function section9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816] => private function section84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fax"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a] => private function section46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f] => private function section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="geo"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="latitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="longitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d] => private function section25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); // '_LONG' section $value = $context->find('_LONG'); $buffer .= $this->section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f($context, $indent, $value); $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> {{#_STRUCTURE}} <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> {{/_STRUCTURE}} - <span class="adr"> {{#_ADRESSE}} <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> {{/_ADRESSE}} {{#_CODE_POSTAL}} <span class="postal-code">31580</span> {{/_CODE_POSTAL}} {{#_VILLE}} <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> {{/_VILLE}} {{#_REGION}} <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> {{/_REGION}} {{#_PAYS}} <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> {{/_PAYS}} </span> {{#_TEL}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> {{/_TEL}} {{#_FAX}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> {{/_FAX}} {{#_SITE_URL}} <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> {{/_SITE_URL}} {{#_LAT}} {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} {{/_LAT}} </section> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Pages] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 3 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428] => __Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27] => __Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [pager] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 19 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <nav class="text-center"> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <ul class="pagination"> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <li> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_precedent [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 118 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => PRECEDENT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 145 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </a> ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 283 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 298 ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ><a href=" ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_base [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 338 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => / ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 347 ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => "> ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 357 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => </a></li> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 370 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <li> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <a href=" ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_suivant [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 430 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => SUIVANT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 455 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => "> ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => </a> ) [38] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </li> ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </li> ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </ul> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => </nav> ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 582 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 584 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 19 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 19 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678] => private function section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '><a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_base'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '/'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a] => private function section5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<nav class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <ul class="pagination"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_precedent'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('PRECEDENT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; // 'pager.pages' section $value = $context->findDot('pager.pages'); $buffer .= $this->section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_suivant'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('SUIVANT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </ul> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</nav> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_ariane] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_titre] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_h1] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => contenu-textuel-de-bas-de-page [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [10] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [11] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [12] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [13] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [Menu] => Menu Object ( [cat] => [type_document] => [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_name] => Menu [_modules_root] => modules/Menu [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Menu ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93] => __Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lien_retour] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [titre] => Accueil [lien] => fr/ [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [titre] => Nos missions [lien] => [sous_menu] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 24 [titre] => Géothermie [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23 [titre] => Conception bioclimatique [lien] => fr/pages-internes/conception-bioclimatique ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18 [titre] => RT 2012 Etude thermique [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [titre] => Audit Energétique Bâtiment existant [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 8 [titre] => BET Fluides [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides ) ) [subs] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [titre] => Nos projets [lien] => fr/realisations [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4 [titre] => Nos partenaires [lien] => fr/partenaires [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [titre] => Contact [lien] => fr/contact [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31] => __Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [liens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [active] => 1 [lien] => [libelle] => Accueil ) [1] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Menu [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => plan-site [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Plan du site ) [2] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Referencement [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Référencement ) [3] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => ?#header_page [libelle] => Haut de page [classe] => btt ) [4] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => mentions-legales [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Mentions légales ) [5] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => formulaire [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Nous contacter ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding ) [3] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 62 ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => active ) [5] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 68 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 101 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 115 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class=" ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 133 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 134 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => libelle [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 158 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => </a> ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => </li> ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 171 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 173 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53] => private function section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'active'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'active'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd] => private function sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="{{classes}}"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('classes'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554] => private function section5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding '; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'classes' section $value = $context->find('classes'); $buffer .= $this->sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '>'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('libelle'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#liens}} <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> {{/liens}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => [titre_page] => Plan du site [page_vide] => Aucun lien n'a encore été enregistré sur le site. [retour_accueil] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Plan du site [_ariane] => Plan du site [_titre] => Plan du site [_h1] => Plan du site [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Slider] => Slider Object ( [_name] => Slider [_modules_root] => modules/Slider [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Slider ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2] => __Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => 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=> thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f] => __Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => 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[libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c] => __Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [sliderElem] => <div class="item{{#first}} active{{/first}}"> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} <span class="visible-xs-inline"> <img src="{{photo_xs}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-xs-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-sm-inline"> <img src="{{photo_sm}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-sm-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-md-inline"> <img src="{{photo_md}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-md-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-lg-inline"> <img src="{{photo_naturel}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-lg-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} {{#libelle}} <div class="carousel-caption"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{{libelle}}} {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> {{/libelle}} </div> [sliderRonds] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 51 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li data-target="# ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => id_slider [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 85 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " data-slide-to=" ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => num_element [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 117 ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 129 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class="active" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 143 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ></li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 162 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </ol> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 164 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046] => private function section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Bf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354] => private function sectionBf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li data-target="#'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('id_slider'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" data-slide-to="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('num_element'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'first' section $value = $context->find('first'); $buffer .= $this->section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_hauteur] => 300 [_hauteur_admin] => [_largeur] => 1000 [_largeur_admin] => [_interval] => 1000 [_interval_admin] => [_pause] => hover [_pause_admin] => [_wrap] => 1 [_wrap_admin] => [_keyboard] => 1 [_keyboard_admin] => [_parallax] => 1 [_parallax_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Panneaux] => Panneaux Object ( [_name] => Panneaux [_modules_root] => modules/Panneaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Panneaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0] => __Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [panneaux] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>RT2012&nbsp;</strong>Etude thermique</p> [icone] => energy-1 [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 0 [preums] => 1 [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>Audit Energ&eacute;tique </strong>B&acirc;timent existant</p> [icone] => hot-and-cold [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 1 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p>BET&nbsp;<strong>Fluides</strong></p> [icone] => air [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 2 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => 1 [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>G&eacute;othermie</strong>&nbsp;ENR</p> [icone] => icone-geothermie [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 3 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 33 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <div class="col-sm- ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nbcol [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 64 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => col-xs-12 no-padding"> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 160 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 177 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 179 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 205 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <img src=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 224 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => " alt=" ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 238 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => "/> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 241 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 6 [index] => 268 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon- ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 311 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => <span class="text-left"> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [32] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 400 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 408 ) [34] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 409 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => </span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 433 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => ^ [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 462 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 534 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 552 ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [50] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 554 ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 585 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 593 ) [55] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 594 ) [56] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </div> ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [59] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 18 [index] => 617 ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => <!-- <div class="hidden"> ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 687 ) [66] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => _emplacement [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 752 ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ')" > </div> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 767 ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => </div> --> ) [72] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 815 ) [75] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </a> ) [76] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 819 ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => </div> ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => </div> ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [81] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 28 [index] => 850 ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 852 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 29 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 29 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7] => private function section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{lien}}">'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e] => private function sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<img src="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" alt="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"/>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33] => private function sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '{{{nom}}}'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de] => private function section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="text-left"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1] => private function sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{{icone_image}}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone_image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $buffer .= ' '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Baf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0] => private function sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('_emplacement'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' \')" > </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528] => private function section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '</a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '</a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f] => private function section1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-sm-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nbcol'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' col-xs-12 no-padding"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'hasimage' section $value = $context->find('hasimage'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; // 'icone' section $value = $context->find('icone'); $buffer .= $this->section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone' inverted section $value = $context->find('icone'); if (empty($value)) { $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; } $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <!-- <div class="hidden"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> --> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row"> {{#panneaux}} <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' {{_emplacement}} ')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> {{/panneaux}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_maxcol] => 4 [_maxcol_admin] => [_nb_ligne_lg] => 2 [_nb_ligne_lg_admin] => [_panneaux_long_nb_grand] => 4 [_panneaux_long_nb_grand_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Realisations] => Realisations Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_realisation] => 0 [_name] => Realisations [_modules_root] => modules/Realisations [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Realisations ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [titre_page] => Nos réalisations [PAGE_VIDE_REA] => Aucune réalisation n'a encore été publiée ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos réalisations [_ariane] => Nos réalisations [_titre] => Nos réalisations [_h1] => Nos réalisations [_description] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_keywords] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_apercu_lg_max] => 300 [_apercu_lg_max_admin] => [_apercu_ht_max] => 300 [_apercu_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 800 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 600 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_realisations_pages] => 10 [_nb_realisations_pages_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) ) [ReseauxSociaux] => ReseauxSociaux Object ( [_name] => ReseauxSociaux [_modules_root] => modules/ReseauxSociaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => ReseauxSociaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d] => __Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [template] => defaut [facebook] => [twitter] => [gplus] => [publie] => true [cols] => 4 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 53 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <a href=" ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 74 ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 199 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 227 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 247 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 271 ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 370 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [20] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 395 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <a href=" ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 413 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 437 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a> ) [26] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 534 ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 536 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7] => private function section15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('facebook'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa] => private function section8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('twitter'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae] => private function section108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('gplus'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> {{#facebook}}<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>{{/facebook}} {{#twitter}}<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>{{/twitter}} {{#gplus}}<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>{{/gplus}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_facebook] => [_facebook_admin] => [_twitter] => [_twitter_admin] => [_gplus] => [_gplus_admin] => [_publie] => 1 [_publie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Referencement] => Referencement Object ( [_name] => Referencement [_modules_root] => modules/Referencement [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Referencement ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [titre_page] => Nos partenaires de référencement [PAGE_VIDE_ANNUAIRES] => Le site n'est pour le moment référencé dans aucun annuaire ou guide Web [RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [INTRO_ANNUAIRES] => Le site Internet SDTech est référencé sur plusieurs annuaires de référencement et guides Web : ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_ariane] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_titre] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_h1] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_description] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_keywords] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1] => __Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe] => __Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d] => __Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [acceuil] => [courant::action=>ariane,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>ariane,params=>all## [courant::action=>h1,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>h1,params=>all## [courant::params=>all] => ##courant::params=>all## [Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut] => ##Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut## [Menu::action=>menu] => ##Menu::action=>menu## [Slider::action=>slider,id=>null] => ##Slider::action=>slider,id=>null## [Panneaux::action=>accueil] => ##Panneaux::action=>accueil## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2## [Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3] => ##Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3## ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3] => __Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce] => __Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2] => __Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [haut] => <header id="header_page"> <section id="contact" class="contact hidden-xs"> <div class="container"> <!--div class="pull-right"> <span class="visible-xs-inline">XS</span> <span class="visible-sm-inline">SM</span> <span class="visible-md-inline">MD</span> <span class="visible-lg-inline">LG</span> </div--> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut}}} </div> </section> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top" role="navigation" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="30"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <a href="" class="navbar-brand col-xs-7 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <span class="visible-lg-block remonteur"></span> <img src="images/interface/logo.png" class="img-responsive" alt="SDTech" /> </a> <div class="text-right"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" 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=> <footer id="footer_page"> <div class="container"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <div id="footer_text" class="col-sm-4 col-sm-push-8 hidden-xs"> {{{Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 socials text-center"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1"> <img class="img-responsive center-block" src="images/interface/logo_bas.png" alt="SDTech"/> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 icn-rsx"> {{{ReseauxSociaux::action=>icones}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 copyright"> {{{Main::action=>copyright}}} </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer_contact" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 text-center"> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>microformat}}} </div> </div> </div> <nav class="menu-bas"> <ul id="menu_bas" class="nav text-center rowable"> {{{Menu::action=>menu_bas}}} </ul> </nav> </footer> [scripts] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <![endif]--> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <!--<![endif]--> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 7 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 7 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) output(tableau 8#Array ( [state] => 0004040000000000000 [template] => barre_haut [corps] => [donnees] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => [menu] => ObjetModuloCollection Object ( [_req] => SELECT `id`, `id_langue`, `titre`, `module_lien`, `action_lien`, `id_lien`, `lien_menu`, `id_parent`, `ordre`, `publie` FROM `mod_menudynamique` WHERE (id_parent = 0 ) AND (publie = 1 ) ORDER BY mod_menudynamique.`ordre` ASC; [_class:protected] => MenuDyn [_collection:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 1 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Accueil [module_lien] => [action_lien] => [id_lien] => [lien_menu] => fr/ [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 2 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Nos missions [module_lien] => [action_lien] => [id_lien] => [lien_menu] => [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Nos projets [module_lien] => Realisations [action_lien] => [id_lien] => [lien_menu] => fr/realisations [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 4 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Nos partenaires [module_lien] => [action_lien] => [id_lien] => [lien_menu] => fr/partenaires [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Contact [module_lien] => Contact [action_lien] => formulaire [id_lien] => [lien_menu] => fr/contact [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => 4 [publie] => 1 ) ) ) [_pointeur:protected] => 5 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => MenuDyn Object ( [_table] => mod_menudynamique [_req] => [_objets] => Collection Object ( [_collection:protected] => Array ( ) [_pointeur:protected] => 0 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => ) [_maDB] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_champs_txt] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Contact [module_lien] => Contact [action_lien] => formulaire [id_lien] => 0 [lien_menu] => fr/contact [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => 4 [publie] => 1 ) [_repertoire_images] => [_repertoire_temp] => ) ) [sous_menu] => ObjetModuloCollection Object ( [_req] => SELECT `id`, `id_langue`, `titre`, `module_lien`, `action_lien`, `id_lien`, `lien_menu`, `id_parent`, `ordre`, `publie` FROM `mod_menudynamique` WHERE (id_parent IN('1','2','3','4','5')) AND (publie = 1 ) ORDER BY mod_menudynamique.`ordre` ASC; [_class:protected] => MenuDyn [_collection:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 24 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Géothermie [module_lien] => Pages [action_lien] => affiche [id_lien] => 14 [lien_menu] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [id_parent] => 2 [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 23 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Conception bioclimatique [module_lien] => Pages [action_lien] => affiche [id_lien] => 11 [lien_menu] => fr/pages-internes/conception-bioclimatique [id_parent] => 2 [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 18 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => RT 2012 Etude thermique [module_lien] => Pages [action_lien] => affiche [id_lien] => 8 [lien_menu] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle [id_parent] => 2 [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 11 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Audit Energétique Bâtiment existant [module_lien] => Pages [action_lien] => affiche [id_lien] => 7 [lien_menu] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique [id_parent] => 2 [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [classe] => MenuDyn [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 8 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => BET Fluides [module_lien] => Pages [action_lien] => affiche [id_lien] => 9 [lien_menu] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides [id_parent] => 2 [ordre] => 4 [publie] => 1 ) ) ) [_pointeur:protected] => 4 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => MenuDyn Object ( [_table] => mod_menudynamique [_req] => [_objets] => Collection Object ( [_collection:protected] => Array ( ) [_pointeur:protected] => 0 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => ) [_maDB] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_champs_txt] => Array ( [id] => [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => [module_lien] => [action_lien] => [id_lien] => [lien_menu] => [id_parent] => 0 [ordre] => [publie] => 1 ) [_repertoire_images] => [_repertoire_temp] => ) ) [nb_ligne] => 1 [Panneaux] => ObjetModuloCollection Object ( [_req] => SELECT `id`, `id_panneau`, `nom`, `icone`, `icone_image`, `image_fond`, `description`, `lien`, `ordre`, `publie` FROM `mod_panneaux_elements` WHERE (id_panneau = 1 ) ORDER BY mod_panneaux_elements.`ordre` ASC; [_class:protected] => PanneauElement [_collection:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [classe] => PanneauElement [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 1 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>RT2012&nbsp;</strong>Etude thermique</p> [icone] => energy-1 [icone_image] => [image_fond] => [description] => [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [classe] => PanneauElement [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>Audit Energ&eacute;tique </strong>B&acirc;timent existant</p> [icone] => hot-and-cold [icone_image] => [image_fond] => [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [classe] => PanneauElement [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 2 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p>BET&nbsp;<strong>Fluides</strong></p> [icone] => air [icone_image] => [image_fond] => [description] => [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [classe] => PanneauElement [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>G&eacute;othermie</strong>&nbsp;ENR</p> [icone] => icone-geothermie [icone_image] => [image_fond] => [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 ) ) ) [_pointeur:protected] => 4 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => PanneauElement Object ( [modulename] => Panneaux [_table] => mod_panneaux_elements [_req] => [_objets] => Collection Object ( [_collection:protected] => Array ( ) [_pointeur:protected] => 0 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => ) [_maDB] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_champs_txt] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>G&eacute;othermie</strong>&nbsp;ENR</p> [icone] => icone-geothermie [icone_image] => [image_fond] => [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 ) [_repertoire_images] => [_repertoire_temp] => ) ) [paragraphes] => ObjetModuloCollection Object ( [_req] => SELECT `id`, `id_page`, `module_contenu`, `classe_contenu`, `id_contenu`, `ordre` FROM `mod_pages_contenu` WHERE (id_page = 3 ) ORDER BY mod_pages_contenu.`ordre` ASC; [_class:protected] => ContenuPage [_collection:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [classe] => ContenuPage [donnees] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_page] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [id_contenu] => 3 [ordre] => 1 ) ) ) [_pointeur:protected] => 1 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => ContenuPage Object ( [_table] => mod_pages_contenu [_req] => [_objets] => Collection Object ( [_collection:protected] => Array ( ) [_pointeur:protected] => 0 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => ) [_maDB] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_champs_txt] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_page] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [id_contenu] => 3 [ordre] => 1 ) [_repertoire_images] => [_repertoire_temp] => [modulename] => Pages ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) [javascript] => Array ( ) [notification] => [debug] => <pre><span><b>My WARNING</b> [512] l'action detail n'est pas implémentée pour le module Pages modules/Pages/run//detail.php on line 787 in file /var/www/vhosts/<br /> </span><traces style='display:none;'> run(#detail#,##) on line 61 in file /var/www/vhosts/ <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 29 [_sommaire] =&gt; 0 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Annuaires [2] =&gt; Cartes [3] =&gt; Contact [4] =&gt; Droits [5] =&gt; FluxRSS [6] =&gt; Galeries [7] =&gt; Geographie [8] =&gt; Langs [9] =&gt; LiensRef [10] =&gt; Mailing [11] =&gt; Main [12] =&gt; Menu [13] =&gt; Pages [14] =&gt; Panneaux [15] =&gt; Partenaires [16] =&gt; Plans [17] =&gt; Produits [18] =&gt; Realisations [19] =&gt; Referencement [20] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [21] =&gt; Slider [22] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 23 ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] =&gt; __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Pages internes [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 29 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 290 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 306 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 321 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 441 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 490 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 526 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] =&gt; private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derni&egrave;res modifications [_FILEBROWSER] =&gt; Votre biblioth&egrave;que d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] =&gt; Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; L&eacute;cussan [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 19 [minutes] =&gt; 22 [hours] =&gt; 1 [mday] =&gt; 15 [wday] =&gt; 6 [mon] =&gt; 6 [year] =&gt; 2024 [yday] =&gt; 166 [weekday] =&gt; Saturday [month] =&gt; June [0] =&gt; 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_ariane] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_description] =&gt; Page dynamique [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Plan] =&gt; liste [_action_Plan_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_rewrite] =&gt; bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) </objet> run(<span>tableau 12</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) #</tableau>,##) on line 80 in file /var/www/vhosts/ <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 29 [_sommaire] =&gt; 0 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Annuaires [2] =&gt; Cartes [3] =&gt; Contact [4] =&gt; Droits [5] =&gt; FluxRSS [6] =&gt; Galeries [7] =&gt; Geographie [8] =&gt; Langs [9] =&gt; LiensRef [10] =&gt; Mailing [11] =&gt; Main [12] =&gt; Menu [13] =&gt; Pages [14] =&gt; Panneaux [15] =&gt; Partenaires [16] =&gt; Plans [17] =&gt; Produits [18] =&gt; Realisations [19] =&gt; Referencement [20] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [21] =&gt; Slider [22] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 23 ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] =&gt; __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Pages internes [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 29 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 290 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 306 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 321 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 441 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 490 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 526 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] =&gt; private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derni&egrave;res modifications [_FILEBROWSER] =&gt; Votre biblioth&egrave;que d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] =&gt; Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; L&eacute;cussan [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 19 [minutes] =&gt; 22 [hours] =&gt; 1 [mday] =&gt; 15 [wday] =&gt; 6 [mon] =&gt; 6 [year] =&gt; 2024 [yday] =&gt; 166 [weekday] =&gt; Saturday [month] =&gt; June [0] =&gt; 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_ariane] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_description] =&gt; Page dynamique [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Plan] =&gt; liste [_action_Plan_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_rewrite] =&gt; bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) </objet> include(#/var/www/vhosts/ on line 763 in file /var/www/vhosts/ run(<span>tableau 2</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [objet] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front ) #</tableau>,#1#) on line 229 in file /var/www/vhosts/ <span>objet</span> Main<objet style='display:none;'>Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Annuaires [2] =&gt; Cartes [3] =&gt; Contact [4] =&gt; Droits [5] =&gt; FluxRSS [6] =&gt; Galeries [7] =&gt; Geographie [8] =&gt; Langs [9] =&gt; LiensRef [10] =&gt; Mailing [11] =&gt; Main [12] =&gt; Menu [13] =&gt; Pages [14] =&gt; Panneaux [15] =&gt; Partenaires [16] =&gt; Plans [17] =&gt; Produits [18] =&gt; Realisations [19] =&gt; Referencement [20] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [21] =&gt; Slider [22] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 23 ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object *RECURSION* [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; L&eacute;cussan [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 29 [_sommaire] =&gt; 0 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_ariane] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_description] =&gt; Page dynamique [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Plan] =&gt; liste [_action_Plan_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_rewrite] =&gt; bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 19 [minutes] =&gt; 22 [hours] =&gt; 1 [mday] =&gt; 15 [wday] =&gt; 6 [mon] =&gt; 6 [year] =&gt; 2024 [yday] =&gt; 166 [weekday] =&gt; Saturday [month] =&gt; June [0] =&gt; 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] =&gt; __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Pages internes [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 29 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 290 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 306 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 321 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 441 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 490 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 526 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] =&gt; private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derni&egrave;res modifications [_FILEBROWSER] =&gt; Votre biblioth&egrave;que d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] =&gt; Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) </objet> run(#Main#,<span>tableau 2</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [objet] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front ) #</tableau>) on line 92 in file /var/www/vhosts/ <span>objet</span> Modulo<objet style='display:none;'>Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Annuaires [2] =&gt; Cartes [3] =&gt; Contact [4] =&gt; Droits [5] =&gt; FluxRSS [6] =&gt; Galeries [7] =&gt; Geographie [8] =&gt; Langs [9] =&gt; LiensRef [10] =&gt; Mailing [11] =&gt; Main [12] =&gt; Menu [13] =&gt; Pages [14] =&gt; Panneaux [15] =&gt; Partenaires [16] =&gt; Plans [17] =&gt; Produits [18] =&gt; Realisations [19] =&gt; Referencement [20] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [21] =&gt; Slider [22] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 23 ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] =&gt; __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Pages internes [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 29 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 290 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 306 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 321 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 441 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 490 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 526 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] =&gt; private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SDTech&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derni&egrave;res modifications [_FILEBROWSER] =&gt; Votre biblioth&egrave;que d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] =&gt; Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; L&eacute;cussan [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 29 [_sommaire] =&gt; 0 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_ariane] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_description] =&gt; Page dynamique [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Plan] =&gt; liste [_action_Plan_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_rewrite] =&gt; bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; title [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; detail [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; sdtech [pwd] =&gt; Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] =&gt; sdtech [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template] =&gt; archic [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; detail [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; 29 [query] =&gt; fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] =&gt; fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] =&gt; Realisations [titre] =&gt; maisons-des-sports-psg [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 19 [minutes] =&gt; 22 [hours] =&gt; 1 [mday] =&gt; 15 [wday] =&gt; 6 [mon] =&gt; 6 [year] =&gt; 2024 [yday] =&gt; 166 [weekday] =&gt; Saturday [month] =&gt; June [0] =&gt; 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) </objet></traces></pre> [templates] => Array ( ) ) #) on line 794 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet MainMain Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object *RECURSION* [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4] => __Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73] => __Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [6] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 139 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => - <span class="adr"> ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 194 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 297 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <span class="postal-code">31580</span> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [21] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 343 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 374 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 433 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [31] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 459 ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [35] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 552 ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 17 [index] => 577 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 667 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => </span> ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 21 [index] => 700 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> ) [50] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </div> ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 26 [index] => 834 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [55] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [56] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 27 [index] => 855 ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [59] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 30 [value] => <span class="fax"></span> ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 31 [value] => </div> ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 32 [index] => 979 ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [66] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 33 [index] => 1005 ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 34 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 35 [value] => <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 36 [value] => </div> ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [72] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 37 [index] => 1129 ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [75] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 38 [index] => 1155 ) [76] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 39 [index] => 1169 ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 40 [value] => <span class="geo"> ) [81] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 41 [value] => <span class="latitude"> ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 42 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 43 [value] => </span> ) [84] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 44 [value] => <span class="longitude"> ) [85] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 45 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [86] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 46 [value] => </span> ) [87] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 47 [value] => </span> ) [88] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [89] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 48 [index] => 1385 ) [90] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [91] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [92] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 49 [index] => 1398 ) [93] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [94] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 50 [value] => </section> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 1400 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 50 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 50 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [D0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4] => private function sectionD0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8] => private function section9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8] => private function sectionA736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8] => private function sectionC54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [D8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f] => private function sectionD8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f] => private function section4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f] => private function section9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816] => private function section84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fax"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a] => private function section46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f] => private function section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="geo"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="latitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="longitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d] => private function section25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); // '_LONG' section $value = $context->find('_LONG'); $buffer .= $this->section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f($context, $indent, $value); $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> {{#_STRUCTURE}} <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> {{/_STRUCTURE}} - <span class="adr"> {{#_ADRESSE}} <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> {{/_ADRESSE}} {{#_CODE_POSTAL}} <span class="postal-code">31580</span> {{/_CODE_POSTAL}} {{#_VILLE}} <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> {{/_VILLE}} {{#_REGION}} <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> {{/_REGION}} {{#_PAYS}} <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> {{/_PAYS}} </span> {{#_TEL}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> {{/_TEL}} {{#_FAX}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> {{/_FAX}} {{#_SITE_URL}} <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> {{/_SITE_URL}} {{#_LAT}} {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} {{/_LAT}} </section> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Pages] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 3 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428] => __Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27] => __Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [pager] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 19 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <nav class="text-center"> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <ul class="pagination"> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <li> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_precedent [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 118 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => PRECEDENT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 145 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </a> ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 283 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 298 ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ><a href=" ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_base [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 338 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => / ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 347 ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => "> ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 357 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => </a></li> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 370 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <li> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <a href=" ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_suivant [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 430 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => SUIVANT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 455 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => "> ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => </a> ) [38] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </li> ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </li> ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </ul> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => </nav> ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 582 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 584 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 19 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 19 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678] => private function section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '><a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_base'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '/'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a] => private function section5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<nav class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <ul class="pagination"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_precedent'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('PRECEDENT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; // 'pager.pages' section $value = $context->findDot('pager.pages'); $buffer .= $this->section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_suivant'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('SUIVANT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </ul> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</nav> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_ariane] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_titre] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_h1] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => contenu-textuel-de-bas-de-page [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [10] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [11] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [12] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [13] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [Menu] => Menu Object ( [cat] => [type_document] => [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_name] => Menu [_modules_root] => modules/Menu [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Menu ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93] => __Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lien_retour] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [titre] => Accueil [lien] => fr/ [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [titre] => Nos missions [lien] => [sous_menu] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 24 [titre] => Géothermie [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23 [titre] => Conception bioclimatique [lien] => fr/pages-internes/conception-bioclimatique ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18 [titre] => RT 2012 Etude thermique [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [titre] => Audit Energétique Bâtiment existant [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 8 [titre] => BET Fluides [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides ) ) [subs] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [titre] => Nos projets [lien] => fr/realisations [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4 [titre] => Nos partenaires [lien] => fr/partenaires [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [titre] => Contact [lien] => fr/contact [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31] => __Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [liens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [active] => 1 [lien] => [libelle] => Accueil ) [1] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Menu [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => plan-site [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Plan du site ) [2] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Referencement [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Référencement ) [3] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => ?#header_page [libelle] => Haut de page [classe] => btt ) [4] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => mentions-legales [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Mentions légales ) [5] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => formulaire [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Nous contacter ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding ) [3] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 62 ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => active ) [5] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 68 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 101 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 115 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class=" ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 133 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 134 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => libelle [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 158 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => </a> ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => </li> ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 171 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 173 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53] => private function section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'active'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'active'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd] => private function sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="{{classes}}"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('classes'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554] => private function section5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding '; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'classes' section $value = $context->find('classes'); $buffer .= $this->sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '>'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('libelle'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#liens}} <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> {{/liens}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => [titre_page] => Plan du site [page_vide] => Aucun lien n'a encore été enregistré sur le site. [retour_accueil] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Plan du site [_ariane] => Plan du site [_titre] => Plan du site [_h1] => Plan du site [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Slider] => Slider Object ( [_name] => Slider [_modules_root] => modules/Slider [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Slider ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2] => __Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f] => __Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c] => __Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [sliderElem] => <div class="item{{#first}} active{{/first}}"> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} <span class="visible-xs-inline"> <img src="{{photo_xs}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-xs-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-sm-inline"> <img src="{{photo_sm}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-sm-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-md-inline"> <img src="{{photo_md}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-md-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-lg-inline"> <img src="{{photo_naturel}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-lg-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} {{#libelle}} <div class="carousel-caption"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{{libelle}}} {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> {{/libelle}} </div> [sliderRonds] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 51 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li data-target="# ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => id_slider [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 85 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " data-slide-to=" ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => num_element [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 117 ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 129 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class="active" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 143 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ></li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 162 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </ol> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 164 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046] => private function section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Bf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354] => private function sectionBf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li data-target="#'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('id_slider'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" data-slide-to="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('num_element'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'first' section $value = $context->find('first'); $buffer .= $this->section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_hauteur] => 300 [_hauteur_admin] => [_largeur] => 1000 [_largeur_admin] => [_interval] => 1000 [_interval_admin] => [_pause] => hover [_pause_admin] => [_wrap] => 1 [_wrap_admin] => [_keyboard] => 1 [_keyboard_admin] => [_parallax] => 1 [_parallax_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Panneaux] => Panneaux Object ( [_name] => Panneaux [_modules_root] => modules/Panneaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Panneaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0] => __Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [panneaux] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>RT2012&nbsp;</strong>Etude thermique</p> [icone] => energy-1 [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 0 [preums] => 1 [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>Audit Energ&eacute;tique </strong>B&acirc;timent existant</p> [icone] => hot-and-cold [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 1 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p>BET&nbsp;<strong>Fluides</strong></p> [icone] => air [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 2 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => 1 [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>G&eacute;othermie</strong>&nbsp;ENR</p> [icone] => icone-geothermie [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 3 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 33 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <div class="col-sm- ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nbcol [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 64 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => col-xs-12 no-padding"> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 160 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 177 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 179 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 205 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <img src=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 224 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => " alt=" ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 238 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => "/> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 241 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 6 [index] => 268 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon- ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 311 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => <span class="text-left"> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [32] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 400 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 408 ) [34] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 409 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => </span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 433 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => ^ [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 462 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 534 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 552 ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [50] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 554 ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 585 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 593 ) [55] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 594 ) [56] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </div> ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [59] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 18 [index] => 617 ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => <!-- <div class="hidden"> ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 687 ) [66] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => _emplacement [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 752 ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ')" > </div> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 767 ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => </div> --> ) [72] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 815 ) [75] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </a> ) [76] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 819 ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => </div> ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => </div> ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [81] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 28 [index] => 850 ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 852 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 29 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 29 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7] => private function section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{lien}}">'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e] => private function sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<img src="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" alt="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"/>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33] => private function sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '{{{nom}}}'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de] => private function section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="text-left"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1] => private function sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{{icone_image}}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone_image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $buffer .= ' '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Baf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0] => private function sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('_emplacement'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' \')" > </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528] => private function section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '</a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '</a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f] => private function section1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-sm-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nbcol'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' col-xs-12 no-padding"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'hasimage' section $value = $context->find('hasimage'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; // 'icone' section $value = $context->find('icone'); $buffer .= $this->section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone' inverted section $value = $context->find('icone'); if (empty($value)) { $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; } $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <!-- <div class="hidden"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> --> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row"> {{#panneaux}} <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' {{_emplacement}} ')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> {{/panneaux}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_maxcol] => 4 [_maxcol_admin] => [_nb_ligne_lg] => 2 [_nb_ligne_lg_admin] => [_panneaux_long_nb_grand] => 4 [_panneaux_long_nb_grand_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Realisations] => Realisations Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_realisation] => 0 [_name] => Realisations [_modules_root] => modules/Realisations [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Realisations ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [titre_page] => Nos réalisations [PAGE_VIDE_REA] => Aucune réalisation n'a encore été publiée ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos réalisations [_ariane] => Nos réalisations [_titre] => Nos réalisations [_h1] => Nos réalisations [_description] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_keywords] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_apercu_lg_max] => 300 [_apercu_lg_max_admin] => [_apercu_ht_max] => 300 [_apercu_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 800 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 600 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_realisations_pages] => 10 [_nb_realisations_pages_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) ) [ReseauxSociaux] => ReseauxSociaux Object ( [_name] => ReseauxSociaux [_modules_root] => modules/ReseauxSociaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => ReseauxSociaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d] => __Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [template] => defaut [facebook] => [twitter] => [gplus] => [publie] => true [cols] => 4 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 53 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <a href=" ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 74 ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 199 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 227 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 247 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 271 ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 370 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [20] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 395 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <a href=" ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 413 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 437 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a> ) [26] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 534 ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 536 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7] => private function section15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('facebook'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa] => private function section8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('twitter'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae] => private function section108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('gplus'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> {{#facebook}}<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>{{/facebook}} {{#twitter}}<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>{{/twitter}} {{#gplus}}<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>{{/gplus}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_facebook] => [_facebook_admin] => [_twitter] => [_twitter_admin] => [_gplus] => [_gplus_admin] => [_publie] => 1 [_publie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Referencement] => Referencement Object ( [_name] => Referencement [_modules_root] => modules/Referencement [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Referencement ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [titre_page] => Nos partenaires de référencement [PAGE_VIDE_ANNUAIRES] => Le site n'est pour le moment référencé dans aucun annuaire ou guide Web [RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [INTRO_ANNUAIRES] => Le site Internet SDTech est référencé sur plusieurs annuaires de référencement et guides Web : ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_ariane] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_titre] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_h1] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_description] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_keywords] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1] => __Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe] => __Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d] => __Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [acceuil] => [courant::action=>ariane,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>ariane,params=>all## [courant::action=>h1,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>h1,params=>all## [courant::params=>all] => ##courant::params=>all## [Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut] => ##Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut## [Menu::action=>menu] => ##Menu::action=>menu## [Slider::action=>slider,id=>null] => ##Slider::action=>slider,id=>null## [Panneaux::action=>accueil] => ##Panneaux::action=>accueil## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2## [Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3] => ##Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3## ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3] => __Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce] => __Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2] => __Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [haut] => <header id="header_page"> <section id="contact" class="contact hidden-xs"> <div class="container"> <!--div class="pull-right"> <span class="visible-xs-inline">XS</span> <span class="visible-sm-inline">SM</span> <span class="visible-md-inline">MD</span> <span class="visible-lg-inline">LG</span> </div--> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut}}} </div> </section> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top" role="navigation" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="30"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <a href="" class="navbar-brand col-xs-7 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <span class="visible-lg-block remonteur"></span> <img src="images/interface/logo.png" class="img-responsive" alt="SDTech" /> </a> <div class="text-right"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" 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=> <footer id="footer_page"> <div class="container"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <div id="footer_text" class="col-sm-4 col-sm-push-8 hidden-xs"> {{{Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 socials text-center"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1"> <img class="img-responsive center-block" src="images/interface/logo_bas.png" alt="SDTech"/> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 icn-rsx"> {{{ReseauxSociaux::action=>icones}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 copyright"> {{{Main::action=>copyright}}} </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer_contact" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 text-center"> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>microformat}}} </div> </div> </div> <nav class="menu-bas"> <ul id="menu_bas" class="nav text-center rowable"> {{{Menu::action=>menu_bas}}} </ul> </nav> </footer> [scripts] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <![endif]--> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <!--<![endif]--> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 7 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 7 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) run(tableau 2#Array ( [objet] => [action] => front ) #,#1#) on line 229 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet MainMain Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object *RECURSION* [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4] => __Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73] => __Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [6] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 139 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => - <span class="adr"> ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 194 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 297 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <span class="postal-code">31580</span> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [21] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 343 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 374 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 433 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [31] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 459 ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [35] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 552 ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 17 [index] => 577 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 667 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => </span> ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 21 [index] => 700 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> ) [50] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </div> ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 26 [index] => 834 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [55] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [56] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 27 [index] => 855 ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [59] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 30 [value] => <span class="fax"></span> ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 31 [value] => </div> ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 32 [index] => 979 ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [66] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 33 [index] => 1005 ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 34 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 35 [value] => <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 36 [value] => </div> ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [72] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 37 [index] => 1129 ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [75] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 38 [index] => 1155 ) [76] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 39 [index] => 1169 ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 40 [value] => <span class="geo"> ) [81] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 41 [value] => <span class="latitude"> ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 42 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 43 [value] => </span> ) [84] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 44 [value] => <span class="longitude"> ) [85] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 45 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [86] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 46 [value] => </span> ) [87] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 47 [value] => </span> ) [88] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [89] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 48 [index] => 1385 ) [90] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [91] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [92] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 49 [index] => 1398 ) [93] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [94] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 50 [value] => </section> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 1400 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 50 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 50 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [D0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4] => private function sectionD0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8] => private function section9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8] => private function sectionA736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8] => private function sectionC54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [D8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f] => private function sectionD8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f] => private function section4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f] => private function section9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816] => private function section84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fax"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a] => private function section46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f] => private function section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="geo"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="latitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="longitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d] => private function section25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); // '_LONG' section $value = $context->find('_LONG'); $buffer .= $this->section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f($context, $indent, $value); $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> {{#_STRUCTURE}} <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> {{/_STRUCTURE}} - <span class="adr"> {{#_ADRESSE}} <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> {{/_ADRESSE}} {{#_CODE_POSTAL}} <span class="postal-code">31580</span> {{/_CODE_POSTAL}} {{#_VILLE}} <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> {{/_VILLE}} {{#_REGION}} <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> {{/_REGION}} {{#_PAYS}} <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> {{/_PAYS}} </span> {{#_TEL}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> {{/_TEL}} {{#_FAX}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> {{/_FAX}} {{#_SITE_URL}} <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> {{/_SITE_URL}} {{#_LAT}} {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} {{/_LAT}} </section> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Pages] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 3 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428] => __Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27] => __Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [pager] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 19 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <nav class="text-center"> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <ul class="pagination"> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <li> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_precedent [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 118 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => PRECEDENT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 145 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </a> ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 283 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 298 ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ><a href=" ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_base [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 338 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => / ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 347 ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => "> ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 357 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => </a></li> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 370 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <li> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <a href=" ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_suivant [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 430 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => SUIVANT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 455 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => "> ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => </a> ) [38] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </li> ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </li> ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </ul> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => </nav> ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 582 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 584 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 19 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 19 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678] => private function section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '><a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_base'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '/'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a] => private function section5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<nav class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <ul class="pagination"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_precedent'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('PRECEDENT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; // 'pager.pages' section $value = $context->findDot('pager.pages'); $buffer .= $this->section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_suivant'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('SUIVANT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </ul> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</nav> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_ariane] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_titre] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_h1] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => contenu-textuel-de-bas-de-page [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [10] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [11] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [12] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [13] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [Menu] => Menu Object ( [cat] => [type_document] => [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_name] => Menu [_modules_root] => modules/Menu [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Menu ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93] => __Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lien_retour] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [titre] => Accueil [lien] => fr/ [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [titre] => Nos missions [lien] => [sous_menu] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 24 [titre] => Géothermie [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23 [titre] => Conception bioclimatique [lien] => fr/pages-internes/conception-bioclimatique ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18 [titre] => RT 2012 Etude thermique [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [titre] => Audit Energétique Bâtiment existant [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 8 [titre] => BET Fluides [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides ) ) [subs] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [titre] => Nos projets [lien] => fr/realisations [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4 [titre] => Nos partenaires [lien] => fr/partenaires [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [titre] => Contact [lien] => fr/contact [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31] => __Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [liens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [active] => 1 [lien] => [libelle] => Accueil ) [1] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Menu [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => plan-site [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Plan du site ) [2] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Referencement [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Référencement ) [3] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => ?#header_page [libelle] => Haut de page [classe] => btt ) [4] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => mentions-legales [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Mentions légales ) [5] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => formulaire [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Nous contacter ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding ) [3] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 62 ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => active ) [5] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 68 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 101 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 115 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class=" ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 133 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 134 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => libelle [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 158 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => </a> ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => </li> ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 171 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 173 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53] => private function section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'active'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'active'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd] => private function sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="{{classes}}"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('classes'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554] => private function section5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding '; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'classes' section $value = $context->find('classes'); $buffer .= $this->sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '>'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('libelle'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#liens}} <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> {{/liens}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => [titre_page] => Plan du site [page_vide] => Aucun lien n'a encore été enregistré sur le site. [retour_accueil] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Plan du site [_ariane] => Plan du site [_titre] => Plan du site [_h1] => Plan du site [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Slider] => Slider Object ( [_name] => Slider [_modules_root] => modules/Slider [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Slider ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2] => __Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => 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=> thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f] => __Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => 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[libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c] => __Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [sliderElem] => <div class="item{{#first}} active{{/first}}"> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} <span class="visible-xs-inline"> <img src="{{photo_xs}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-xs-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-sm-inline"> <img src="{{photo_sm}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-sm-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-md-inline"> <img src="{{photo_md}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-md-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-lg-inline"> <img src="{{photo_naturel}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-lg-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} {{#libelle}} <div class="carousel-caption"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{{libelle}}} {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> {{/libelle}} </div> [sliderRonds] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 51 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li data-target="# ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => id_slider [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 85 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " data-slide-to=" ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => num_element [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 117 ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 129 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class="active" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 143 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ></li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 162 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </ol> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 164 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046] => private function section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Bf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354] => private function sectionBf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li data-target="#'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('id_slider'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" data-slide-to="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('num_element'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'first' section $value = $context->find('first'); $buffer .= $this->section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_hauteur] => 300 [_hauteur_admin] => [_largeur] => 1000 [_largeur_admin] => [_interval] => 1000 [_interval_admin] => [_pause] => hover [_pause_admin] => [_wrap] => 1 [_wrap_admin] => [_keyboard] => 1 [_keyboard_admin] => [_parallax] => 1 [_parallax_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Panneaux] => Panneaux Object ( [_name] => Panneaux [_modules_root] => modules/Panneaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Panneaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0] => __Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [panneaux] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>RT2012&nbsp;</strong>Etude thermique</p> [icone] => energy-1 [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 0 [preums] => 1 [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>Audit Energ&eacute;tique </strong>B&acirc;timent existant</p> [icone] => hot-and-cold [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 1 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p>BET&nbsp;<strong>Fluides</strong></p> [icone] => air [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 2 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => 1 [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>G&eacute;othermie</strong>&nbsp;ENR</p> [icone] => icone-geothermie [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 3 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 33 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <div class="col-sm- ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nbcol [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 64 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => col-xs-12 no-padding"> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 160 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 177 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 179 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 205 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <img src=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 224 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => " alt=" ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 238 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => "/> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 241 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 6 [index] => 268 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon- ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 311 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => <span class="text-left"> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [32] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 400 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 408 ) [34] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 409 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => </span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 433 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => ^ [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 462 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 534 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 552 ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [50] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 554 ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 585 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 593 ) [55] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 594 ) [56] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </div> ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [59] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 18 [index] => 617 ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => <!-- <div class="hidden"> ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 687 ) [66] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => _emplacement [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 752 ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ')" > </div> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 767 ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => </div> --> ) [72] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 815 ) [75] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </a> ) [76] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 819 ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => </div> ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => </div> ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [81] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 28 [index] => 850 ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 852 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 29 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 29 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7] => private function section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{lien}}">'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e] => private function sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<img src="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" alt="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"/>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33] => private function sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '{{{nom}}}'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de] => private function section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="text-left"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1] => private function sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{{icone_image}}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone_image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $buffer .= ' '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Baf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0] => private function sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('_emplacement'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' \')" > </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528] => private function section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '</a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '</a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f] => private function section1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-sm-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nbcol'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' col-xs-12 no-padding"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'hasimage' section $value = $context->find('hasimage'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; // 'icone' section $value = $context->find('icone'); $buffer .= $this->section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone' inverted section $value = $context->find('icone'); if (empty($value)) { $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; } $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <!-- <div class="hidden"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> --> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row"> {{#panneaux}} <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' {{_emplacement}} ')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> {{/panneaux}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_maxcol] => 4 [_maxcol_admin] => [_nb_ligne_lg] => 2 [_nb_ligne_lg_admin] => [_panneaux_long_nb_grand] => 4 [_panneaux_long_nb_grand_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Realisations] => Realisations Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_realisation] => 0 [_name] => Realisations [_modules_root] => modules/Realisations [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Realisations ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [titre_page] => Nos réalisations [PAGE_VIDE_REA] => Aucune réalisation n'a encore été publiée ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos réalisations [_ariane] => Nos réalisations [_titre] => Nos réalisations [_h1] => Nos réalisations [_description] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_keywords] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_apercu_lg_max] => 300 [_apercu_lg_max_admin] => [_apercu_ht_max] => 300 [_apercu_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 800 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 600 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_realisations_pages] => 10 [_nb_realisations_pages_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) ) [ReseauxSociaux] => ReseauxSociaux Object ( [_name] => ReseauxSociaux [_modules_root] => modules/ReseauxSociaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => ReseauxSociaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d] => __Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [template] => defaut [facebook] => [twitter] => [gplus] => [publie] => true [cols] => 4 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 53 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <a href=" ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 74 ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 199 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 227 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 247 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 271 ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 370 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [20] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 395 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <a href=" ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 413 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 437 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a> ) [26] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 534 ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 536 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7] => private function section15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('facebook'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa] => private function section8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('twitter'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae] => private function section108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('gplus'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> {{#facebook}}<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>{{/facebook}} {{#twitter}}<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>{{/twitter}} {{#gplus}}<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>{{/gplus}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_facebook] => [_facebook_admin] => [_twitter] => [_twitter_admin] => [_gplus] => [_gplus_admin] => [_publie] => 1 [_publie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Referencement] => Referencement Object ( [_name] => Referencement [_modules_root] => modules/Referencement [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Referencement ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [titre_page] => Nos partenaires de référencement [PAGE_VIDE_ANNUAIRES] => Le site n'est pour le moment référencé dans aucun annuaire ou guide Web [RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [INTRO_ANNUAIRES] => Le site Internet SDTech est référencé sur plusieurs annuaires de référencement et guides Web : ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_ariane] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_titre] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_h1] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_description] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_keywords] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1] => __Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe] => __Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d] => __Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [acceuil] => [courant::action=>ariane,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>ariane,params=>all## [courant::action=>h1,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>h1,params=>all## [courant::params=>all] => ##courant::params=>all## [Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut] => ##Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut## [Menu::action=>menu] => ##Menu::action=>menu## [Slider::action=>slider,id=>null] => ##Slider::action=>slider,id=>null## [Panneaux::action=>accueil] => ##Panneaux::action=>accueil## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2## [Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3] => ##Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3## ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3] => __Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce] => __Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2] => __Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [haut] => <header id="header_page"> <section id="contact" class="contact hidden-xs"> <div class="container"> <!--div class="pull-right"> <span class="visible-xs-inline">XS</span> <span class="visible-sm-inline">SM</span> <span class="visible-md-inline">MD</span> <span class="visible-lg-inline">LG</span> </div--> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut}}} </div> </section> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top" role="navigation" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="30"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <a href="" class="navbar-brand col-xs-7 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <span class="visible-lg-block remonteur"></span> <img src="images/interface/logo.png" class="img-responsive" alt="SDTech" /> </a> <div class="text-right"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" 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=> <footer id="footer_page"> <div class="container"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <div id="footer_text" class="col-sm-4 col-sm-push-8 hidden-xs"> {{{Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 socials text-center"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1"> <img class="img-responsive center-block" src="images/interface/logo_bas.png" alt="SDTech"/> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 icn-rsx"> {{{ReseauxSociaux::action=>icones}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 copyright"> {{{Main::action=>copyright}}} </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer_contact" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 text-center"> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>microformat}}} </div> </div> </div> <nav class="menu-bas"> <ul id="menu_bas" class="nav text-center rowable"> {{{Menu::action=>menu_bas}}} </ul> </nav> </footer> [scripts] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <![endif]--> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <!--<![endif]--> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 7 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 7 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) run(#Main#,tableau 2#Array ( [objet] => [action] => front ) #) on line 92 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet ModuloModulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1] => __Mustache_6a4cdc96d06ab163a2fc19b9a2c7f2e1 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe] => __Mustache_d06e05216cac701197d88a16252978fe Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d] => __Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3c77f14708749f9e877b5df0fbb3746d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [acceuil] => [courant::action=>ariane,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>ariane,params=>all## [courant::action=>h1,params=>all] => ##courant::action=>h1,params=>all## [courant::params=>all] => ##courant::params=>all## [Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut] => ##Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut## [Menu::action=>menu] => ##Menu::action=>menu## [Slider::action=>slider,id=>null] => ##Slider::action=>slider,id=>null## [Panneaux::action=>accueil] => ##Panneaux::action=>accueil## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr## [Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2] => ##Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2## [Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3] => ##Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3## ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3] => __Mustache_569c72e6593b4668dd21b0a17c8d91a3 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce] => __Mustache_99c6cf00677acb39206e9b74f0ff6dce Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2] => __Mustache_32c39d7241e6dd8e165c6155a782ade2 Object ( [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [haut] => <header id="header_page"> <section id="contact" class="contact hidden-xs"> <div class="container"> <!--div class="pull-right"> <span class="visible-xs-inline">XS</span> <span class="visible-sm-inline">SM</span> <span class="visible-md-inline">MD</span> <span class="visible-lg-inline">LG</span> </div--> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>barre_haut}}} </div> </section> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top" role="navigation" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="30"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <a href="" class="navbar-brand col-xs-7 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <span class="visible-lg-block remonteur"></span> <img src="images/interface/logo.png" class="img-responsive" alt="SDTech" /> </a> <div class="text-right"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#menu-principal"> <span class="sr-only">Ouvrir le menu</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="menu-principal"> {{{Menu::action=>menu}}} </div> </div> </nav> </header> <div class="visible-xs decal-slider"></div> <article id="slider"> {{{Slider::action=>slider,id=>null}}} </article> <nav class="voir-toutes panneaux test"> <div class="container"> {{{Panneaux::action=>accueil}}} </div> </nav> <div class="bilan-environnemental"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"> <strong>Bilan environnemental de nos missions</strong> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <span>EnR *</span> <span>{{{Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>enr}}} MWh / an</span> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <span>Bilan carbone *</span> <span>{{{Realisations::action=>somme,champs=>co2}}} t CO2 / an</span> </div> </div> </div> [bas] => <footer id="footer_page"> <div class="container"> <div class="row-but-not-really"> <div id="footer_text" class="col-sm-4 col-sm-push-8 hidden-xs"> {{{Pages::action=>affiche,id=>3}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 socials text-center"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1"> <img class="img-responsive center-block" src="images/interface/logo_bas.png" alt="SDTech"/> </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 icn-rsx"> {{{ReseauxSociaux::action=>icones}}} </div> <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 copyright"> {{{Main::action=>copyright}}} </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer_contact" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 text-center"> {{{Contact::objet=>contact,action=>microformat}}} </div> </div> </div> <nav class="menu-bas"> <ul id="menu_bas" class="nav text-center rowable"> {{{Menu::action=>menu_bas}}} </ul> </nav> </footer> [scripts] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <![endif]--> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <!--<![endif]--> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 7 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 7 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="javascript/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="javascript/script.js"></script> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4] => __Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3a3266131b5e9bd76e458684e6d962a4:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73] => __Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_c1884a90e36a287dda8257efead29b73:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_STRUCTURE] => SDTech [_SITE_URL] => [_URL] => [_SITE_NOM] => SDTech [_SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [_ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [_CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [_VILLE] => Lécussan [_TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [_FAX] => [_PORTABLE] => [_EMAIL] => <script type="text/javascript"> var str='<a href="'+'mai'+'lto'+':co'+'nta'+'ct'+String.fromCharCode(24+40)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'">'+'con'+'tac'+'t'+String.fromCharCode(30+34)+'sdt'+'ech'+'-be'+'.fr'+'<\/a>'; document.write(str); </script> <noscript><br><b>Pour afficher les adresses e-mail, vous devez activer JavaScript!</b><br></noscript> [_REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [_PAYS] => France [_LAT] => [_LONG] => [chps_civilite] => true [chps_nom] => true [chps_prenom] => true [chps_societe] => true [chps_adresse] => true [chps_cp] => true [chps_ville] => true [chps_mail] => true [chps_tel] => true [chps_fax] => true [chps_mobile] => true [image_logo] => ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [6] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _STRUCTURE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 139 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => - <span class="adr"> ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 194 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _ADRESSE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 297 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <span class="postal-code">31580</span> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [21] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _CODE_POSTAL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 343 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 374 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _VILLE [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 433 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [31] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 459 ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [35] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _REGION [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 552 ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 17 [index] => 577 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _PAYS [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 667 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => </span> ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 21 [index] => 700 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> ) [50] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </div> ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _TEL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 26 [index] => 834 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => ) [55] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [56] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 27 [index] => 855 ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [59] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 30 [value] => <span class="fax"></span> ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 31 [value] => </div> ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _FAX [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 32 [index] => 979 ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 32 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [66] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 33 [index] => 1005 ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 33 [value] => ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 34 [value] => <div class="text-center"> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 35 [value] => <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 36 [value] => </div> ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [72] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _SITE_URL [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 37 [index] => 1129 ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 37 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [75] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 38 [index] => 1155 ) [76] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 38 [value] => ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 39 [index] => 1169 ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 39 [value] => ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 40 [value] => <span class="geo"> ) [81] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 41 [value] => <span class="latitude"> ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 42 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 43 [value] => </span> ) [84] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 44 [value] => <span class="longitude"> ) [85] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 45 [value] => <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> ) [86] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 46 [value] => </span> ) [87] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 47 [value] => </span> ) [88] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [89] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LONG [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 48 [index] => 1385 ) [90] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 48 [value] => ) [91] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [92] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => _LAT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 49 [index] => 1398 ) [93] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 49 [value] => ) [94] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 50 [value] => </section> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 1400 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 50 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 50 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [D0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4] => private function sectionD0ca9e81ebcce4983a578475631d97c4(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8] => private function section9021180b1f605505e7e31e56c06d7dd8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8] => private function sectionA736676134763aa875c89f2101ba88e8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="postal-code">31580</span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8] => private function sectionC54ad7f7afcc76bb88b09a53fbc0beb8(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [D8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f] => private function sectionD8ecd218c62c6f0df4e247c5768a904f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f] => private function section4bb9e5dd51235341daafcc71b196689f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f] => private function section9e0e5d2f4187bee8f79cf5fc7818b09f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816] => private function section84eebfbafe832d97f817095b1e960816(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="fax"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a] => private function section46b19e692bba43e117f6e91af6e9f77a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f] => private function section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="geo"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="latitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="longitude"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d] => private function section25cc27743e967d6b74ac05a4af77090d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); // '_LONG' section $value = $context->find('_LONG'); $buffer .= $this->section53e8405c5be9686ac976b1f2a32ed10f($context, $indent, $value); $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <section profile="" id="vcard" class="vcard "> {{#_STRUCTURE}} <span class="fn org">SDTech</span> {{/_STRUCTURE}} - <span class="adr"> {{#_ADRESSE}} <span class="street-address">100 route des Marris</span><br /> {{/_ADRESSE}} {{#_CODE_POSTAL}} <span class="postal-code">31580</span> {{/_CODE_POSTAL}} {{#_VILLE}} <span class="locality">Lécussan</span><br /><br /> {{/_VILLE}} {{#_REGION}} <span class="region"><span class="value-title" title="Midi-Pyrénées"></span></span> {{/_REGION}} {{#_PAYS}} <span class="country-name"><span class="value-title" title="France"></span></span> {{/_PAYS}} </span> {{#_TEL}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-phone"></span> <span class="tel">05 61 89 70 12</span> </div> {{/_TEL}} {{#_FAX}} <div class="text-center"> <span class="pyricon pyricon-printer-1"></span> <span class="fax"></span> </div> {{/_FAX}} {{#_SITE_URL}} <div class="text-center"> <a href="" class="url" style="color: inherit; "></a> </div> {{/_SITE_URL}} {{#_LAT}} {{#_LONG}} <span class="geo"> <span class="latitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> <span class="longitude"> <span class="value-title" title="0"></span> </span> </span> {{/_LONG}} {{/_LAT}} </section> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Pages] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 3 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428] => __Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_3e75b3a06402cc632460d9922bcb9428:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27] => __Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5dc1854d7e80d23adaf6ee8caa129c27:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [contenus] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_contenu] => 3 [module_contenu] => Pages [classe_contenu] => Paragraphe [titre] => SDTech Bureau d’étude énergétique du bâtiment [legende] => [corps] => <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12px">Nous r&eacute;alisons les &eacute;tudes thermiques RT2012 pour tous les projets y compris le particulier, ainsi que les audits &eacute;nerg&eacute;tiques pour les collectivit&eacute;s existantes.<br /> Nous &eacute;tudions les installations des lots fluides, &agrave; mettre en &oelig;uvre pour la construction ou la r&eacute;novation : Chauffage, Climatisation, Plomberie Sanitaire, Production d&rsquo;Eau Chaude Sanitaire, Electricit&eacute; Courant Fort (Force, &eacute;clairage,&hellip;) et Courant Faible (VDI, S&eacute;curit&eacute; incendie, d&eacute;senfumage,&hellip;)</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> [publie] => 1 [is_paragraphe] => 1 [nametitre] => sdtech-bureau-deetude-energetique-du-batiment ) ) [pager] => Array ( [hasPages] => [pages] => Array ( ) [lien_base] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => [_admin] => ) [lien_precedent] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 0 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => precedent [_admin] => ) [lien_suivant] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => 2 [_objet] => page [_action] => pager [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => 1 [_param] => suivant [_admin] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [pager] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 19 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <nav class="text-center"> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <ul class="pagination"> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <li> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_precedent [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 118 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => PRECEDENT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 145 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </a> ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 264 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [17] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 283 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 298 ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ><a href=" ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_base [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 338 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => / ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 347 ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => "> ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => page [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 357 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => </a></li> ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.pages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 10 [index] => 370 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <li> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => <a href=" ) [32] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => pager.lien_suivant [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 430 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => " aria-label=" ) [34] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => SUIVANT [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 12 [index] => 455 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => "> ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => </a> ) [38] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </li> ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </li> ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </ul> ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => </nav> ) [42] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => pager.hasPages [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 19 [index] => 582 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 584 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 19 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 19 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678] => private function section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '><a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_base'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '/'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('page'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a] => private function section5b89949b906c84f35440eb9eba8b513a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<nav class="text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <ul class="pagination"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_precedent'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('PRECEDENT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; // 'pager.pages' section $value = $context->findDot('pager.pages'); $buffer .= $this->section153e722e435ea0e66380d6199d4fe678($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->findDot('pager.lien_suivant'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" aria-label="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('SUIVANT'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </ul> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</nav> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#pager.hasPages}} <nav class="text-center"> <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_precedent}}" aria-label="{{PRECEDENT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> </li> {{#pager.pages}} <li{{#active}} class="active"{{/active}}><a href="{{pager.lien_base}}/{{page}}">{{page}}</a></li> {{/pager.pages}} <li> <a href="{{pager.lien_suivant}}" aria-label="{{SUIVANT}}"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </li> </li> </ul> </nav> {{/pager.hasPages}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_ariane] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_titre] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_h1] => Contenu textuel de bas de page [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => contenu-textuel-de-bas-de-page [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => barre_haut [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [8] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [9] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 3 [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [10] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [11] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => copyright [admin] => [module] => Main [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [12] => Array ( [objet] => contact [type] => [option] => [action] => microformat [admin] => [module] => Contact [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [13] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [Menu] => Menu Object ( [cat] => [type_document] => [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_menudynamique' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_name] => Menu [_modules_root] => modules/Menu [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Menu ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93] => __Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_0c06adbfe32cc7a5af82857705a50f93:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lien_retour] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [titre] => Accueil [lien] => fr/ [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [titre] => Nos missions [lien] => [sous_menu] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 24 [titre] => Géothermie [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 23 [titre] => Conception bioclimatique [lien] => fr/pages-internes/conception-bioclimatique ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 18 [titre] => RT 2012 Etude thermique [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [titre] => Audit Energétique Bâtiment existant [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 8 [titre] => BET Fluides [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides ) ) [subs] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3 [titre] => Nos projets [lien] => fr/realisations [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 4 [titre] => Nos partenaires [lien] => fr/partenaires [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 5 [titre] => Contact [lien] => fr/contact [sous_menu] => Array ( ) [subs] => ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31] => __Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_e4b64a3d34dd9176afb1c305c9f76c31:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [liens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [active] => 1 [lien] => [libelle] => Accueil ) [1] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Menu [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => plan-site [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Plan du site ) [2] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Referencement [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Référencement ) [3] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => ?#header_page [libelle] => Haut de page [classe] => btt ) [4] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => mentions-legales [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Mentions légales ) [5] => Array ( [active] => [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Contact [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => formulaire [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [libelle] => Nous contacter ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 0 [index] => 10 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding ) [3] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 62 ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => active ) [5] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => active [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 68 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 101 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [10] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 115 ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class=" ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 133 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => classes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 134 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => libelle [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 158 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => </a> ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => </li> ) [19] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => liens [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 171 ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 173 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53] => private function section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'active'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'active'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd] => private function sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="{{classes}}"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('classes'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554] => private function section5df0625d483357dd3b0770b708a45554(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . '<li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding '; // 'active' section $value = $context->find('active'); $buffer .= $this->section5749c750acb0d7477dd5257d00cc6d53($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'classes' section $value = $context->find('classes'); $buffer .= $this->sectionC444fdafbd8b5102c5573b7dfa5a82dd($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '>'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('libelle'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</a> '; $buffer .= $indent . '</li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => {{#liens}} <li class="col-xs-4 col-md-2 nopadding {{#active}}active{{/active}}"> <a href="{{lien}}" {{#classes}}class="{{classes}}"{{/classes}}>{{libelle}}</a> </li> {{/liens}} [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 1 [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu_bas [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => [titre_page] => Plan du site [page_vide] => Aucun lien n'a encore été enregistré sur le site. [retour_accueil] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Plan du site [_ariane] => Plan du site [_titre] => Plan du site [_h1] => Plan du site [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => menu [admin] => [module] => Menu [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Slider] => Slider Object ( [_name] => Slider [_modules_root] => modules/Slider [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Slider ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2] => __Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_7d9e2f248621a21fc79ce3f53dd195d2:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => 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=> thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f] => __Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_2ef701c363e4cbc5d08ff9727aff717f:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) [__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c] => __Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_409e33fe17c7fa6e46babf16896aeb1c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_slider] => slidereccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3 [elements] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=129221e8cfcdbecac315be83eb2ddbdb [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=768&hash=b6ca15903a22c15c7f4491919de4288a [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=992&hash=96eac8005b980e603574500f3c0c50c2 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg?w=1200&hash=82777a99357b04f18fe0cdb8e8f2ab52 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_276037583_3.jpg [first] => 1 [num_element] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=d31ef88043a5a7c77f0b89f1818f5c9a [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=768&hash=c75e701cf561b9fbcba5cf79c4135d41 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=992&hash=2b5a851ebb377d444a1868825bbf2a59 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=88fccc30fa2d427f7509f5ad76a2175e [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275183747_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=5ec1ea458eb8eeca5bba2b796439e7e7 [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=768&hash=44c955259e770b8c4d36986bfa48e15e [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fdfa82311b9d38a32ca1a9359a573f5b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3ce2a8b5ef62a564db00dac36f01c8b2 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_271740602(1)_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 2 ) [3] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=223ef3a70a4ba2994feb4bbb88f8701d [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=768&hash=df71ea1422ab3efd4fad9e5ce39a7bfb [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=992&hash=68a79a33dbbd46b8c7dd91db6379d58b [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg?w=1200&hash=a41b8a7ca5852df2cd992b35298fd459 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/schema-geothermie--version-finale_1.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 3 ) [4] => Array ( [photo] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1000&h=300&hash=91d330d20bf1d1b2e0e2626aa12542fe [libelle] => [lien] => [photo_xs] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=768&hash=4fb4ea1521f85a373393d2e091f1b912 [photo_sm] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=992&hash=fc4add6e064a681fa7be7eb28aec73c0 [photo_md] => thumbs/files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg?w=1200&hash=3e7c439e491ebacfe6f92e66dca35b14 [photo_naturel] => files/medias/images/shutterstock_275534129_-1-_2.jpg [first] => [num_element] => 4 ) ) [interval] => 1000 [parallax] => 1 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader Object ( [templates:Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader:private] => Array ( [sliderElem] => <div class="item{{#first}} active{{/first}}"> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} <span class="visible-xs-inline"> <img src="{{photo_xs}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-xs-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-sm-inline"> <img src="{{photo_sm}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-sm-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-md-inline"> <img src="{{photo_md}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-md-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> <span class="visible-lg-inline"> <img src="{{photo_naturel}}" alt="{{libelle}}" class="visible-lg-inline img-responsivesed"> </span> {{^libelle}}{{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}}{{/libelle}} {{#libelle}} <div class="carousel-caption"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{{libelle}}} {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> {{/libelle}} </div> [sliderRonds] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> ) ) [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 51 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li data-target="# ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => id_slider [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 85 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " data-slide-to=" ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => num_element [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 117 ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 129 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => class="active" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => first [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 143 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ></li> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => elements [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 162 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </ol> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 164 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046] => private function section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = 'class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= 'class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Bf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354] => private function sectionBf77117229d91f33ea333d0b048f2354(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li data-target="#'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('id_slider'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" data-slide-to="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('num_element'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" '; // 'first' section $value = $context->find('first'); $buffer .= $this->section39fafbade5b4daabdb3367e1272d1046($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '></li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <ol class="carousel-indicators"> {{#elements}} <li data-target="#{{id_slider}}" data-slide-to="{{num_element}}" {{#first}}class="active"{{/first}}></li> {{/elements}} </ol> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_slider' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_hauteur] => 300 [_hauteur_admin] => [_largeur] => 1000 [_largeur_admin] => [_interval] => 1000 [_interval_admin] => [_pause] => hover [_pause_admin] => [_wrap] => 1 [_wrap_admin] => [_keyboard] => 1 [_keyboard_admin] => [_parallax] => 1 [_parallax_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => slider [admin] => [module] => Slider [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Panneaux] => Panneaux Object ( [_name] => Panneaux [_modules_root] => modules/Panneaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Panneaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0] => __Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f89364a09fe27aa899c27313a4ab67a0:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [panneaux] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>RT2012&nbsp;</strong>Etude thermique</p> [icone] => energy-1 [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/etude-thermique-rt-2012-maison-individuelle [ordre] => 0 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 0 [preums] => 1 [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 5 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>Audit Energ&eacute;tique </strong>B&acirc;timent existant</p> [icone] => hot-and-cold [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/audit-energetique [ordre] => 1 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 1 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p>BET&nbsp;<strong>Fluides</strong></p> [icone] => air [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/mission-maitrise-d-oeuvre-fluides [ordre] => 2 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 2 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => 1 [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => 1 [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [id_panneau] => 1 [nom] => <p><strong>G&eacute;othermie</strong>&nbsp;ENR</p> [icone] => icone-geothermie [icone_image] => FichierImage Object ( [_Max_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_Mini_dim] => Array ( [largeur] => 1280 [hauteur] => 800 ) [_place_holder] => images/placeholder.jpg [_miniature] => [_masque] => ## [_emplacement] => [_dossier] => files/medias/images [_erreur] => erreur Object ( [_code] => 0 [_detail] => ) [_max_size] => 2MB [_identifiant] => -1 ) [image_fond] => images/placeholder.jpg [description] => [lien] => fr/pages-internes/geothermie [ordre] => 3 [publie] => 1 [hasimage] => [num] => 3 [preums] => [first] => 1 [first_lg] => [newline] => 1 [newline_lg] => [nbcol] => 3 [nbcolint] => 16 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 33 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <div class="col-sm- ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nbcol [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 64 ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => col-xs-12 no-padding"> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 160 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <a href=" ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 177 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => "> ) [13] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 4 [index] => 179 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [16] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 205 ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <img src=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 224 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => " alt=" ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 238 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => "/> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => hasimage [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 5 [index] => 241 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 6 [index] => 268 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => <span class="pyricon pyricon- ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 7 [index] => 311 ) [29] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> ) [30] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => <span class="text-left"> ) [31] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [32] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 400 ) [33] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 408 ) [34] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 409 ) [35] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => ) [36] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => </span> ) [37] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [38] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 433 ) [39] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => ) [40] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => ) [41] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [42] => Array ( [type] => ^ [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 13 [index] => 462 ) [43] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => ) [44] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > ) [45] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [46] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 534 ) [47] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [48] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 552 ) [49] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [50] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 15 [index] => 554 ) [51] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => ) [52] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [53] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 585 ) [54] => Array ( [type] => { [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 593 ) [55] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => nom [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 16 [index] => 594 ) [56] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => ) [57] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 17 [value] => </div> ) [58] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [59] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 18 [index] => 617 ) [60] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 18 [value] => ) [61] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 19 [value] => ) [62] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 20 [value] => ) [63] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 21 [value] => <!-- <div class="hidden"> ) [64] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [65] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 687 ) [66] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' ) [67] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => _emplacement [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 752 ) [68] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ')" > </div> ) [69] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => icone_image [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 22 [index] => 767 ) [70] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 22 [value] => ) [71] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 23 [value] => </div> --> ) [72] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 24 [value] => ) [73] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [74] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 815 ) [75] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => </a> ) [76] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 25 [index] => 819 ) [77] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 25 [value] => ) [78] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 26 [value] => </div> ) [79] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 27 [value] => </div> ) [80] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [81] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => panneaux [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 28 [index] => 850 ) [82] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 28 [value] => ) [83] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 29 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 852 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 29 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 29 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7] => private function section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{lien}}">'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '">'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e] => private function sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<img src="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" alt="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"/>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33] => private function sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '{{{nom}}}'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nom'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de] => private function section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="pyricon pyricon-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span class="text-left"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [B28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1] => private function sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' {{{icone_image}}} '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('icone_image'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= $value; $buffer .= ' '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [Baf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0] => private function sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' '; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('_emplacement'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' \')" > </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528] => private function section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '</a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '</a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f] => private function section1bb62e42b5320ab9afe45341634c034f(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(\' {{_emplacement}} \')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-sm-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('nbcol'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= ' col-xs-12 no-padding"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section27e1346e569225ded5ddf31e170052d7($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'hasimage' section $value = $context->find('hasimage'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB62b5c2f0660601e1027e4cdbbb58f8e($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; // 'icone' section $value = $context->find('icone'); $buffer .= $this->section56fee6c041967ff74fe828ba186b30de($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone' inverted section $value = $context->find('icone'); if (empty($value)) { $buffer .= $indent . ' <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB28ca11c5fe5f8861c9423b4e5b61fc1($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'nom' section $value = $context->find('nom'); $buffer .= $this->sectionB67323f8d8a668367b784951b2600f33($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; } $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <!-- <div class="hidden"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'icone_image' section $value = $context->find('icone_image'); $buffer .= $this->sectionBaf236b0d99edefdb91d8c8e478309b0($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> --> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' '; // 'lien' section $value = $context->find('lien'); $buffer .= $this->section3ae39e3dce9945d5872a2a828daa4528($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= ' '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </div> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row"> {{#panneaux}} <div class="col-sm-{{nbcol}} col-xs-12 no-padding"> <div class="bloc_accueil panneaux_long row text-center"> {{#lien}}<a href="{{lien}}">{{/lien}} {{#hasimage}}<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{nom}}"/>{{/hasimage}} {{#icone}} <span class="pyricon pyricon-{{icone}} rounded main-color-border text-center"></span> <span class="text-left"> {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </span> {{/icone}} {{^icone}} <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding img-hover" > {{#icone_image}} {{{icone_image}}} {{/icone_image}} {{#nom}}{{{nom}}}{{/nom}} </div> {{/icone}} <!-- <div class="hidden"> {{#icone_image}} <div class="img-hover" style="background: url(' {{_emplacement}} ')" > </div> {{/icone_image}} </div> --> {{#lien}}</a>{{/lien}} </div> </div> {{/panneaux}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_panneaux_panneaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_maxcol] => 4 [_maxcol_admin] => [_nb_ligne_lg] => 2 [_nb_ligne_lg_admin] => [_panneaux_long_nb_grand] => 4 [_panneaux_long_nb_grand_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => accueil [admin] => [module] => Panneaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Realisations] => Realisations Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_realisation] => 0 [_name] => Realisations [_modules_root] => modules/Realisations [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Realisations ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => co2 ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [titre_page] => Nos réalisations [PAGE_VIDE_REA] => Aucune réalisation n'a encore été publiée ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_realisations_photos' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos réalisations [_ariane] => Nos réalisations [_titre] => Nos réalisations [_h1] => Nos réalisations [_description] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_keywords] => Notre catalogue de réalisations [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_apercu_lg_max] => 300 [_apercu_lg_max_admin] => [_apercu_ht_max] => 300 [_apercu_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 800 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 600 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_realisations_pages] => 10 [_nb_realisations_pages_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => somme [admin] => [module] => Realisations [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => [champs] => enr ) ) [ReseauxSociaux] => ReseauxSociaux Object ( [_name] => ReseauxSociaux [_modules_root] => modules/ReseauxSociaux [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => ReseauxSociaux ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d] => __Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_f0b6223d760dd41e2f1bb7f91eee752d:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [template] => defaut [facebook] => [twitter] => [gplus] => [publie] => true [cols] => 4 ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [2] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 53 ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <a href=" ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 74 ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 98 ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => facebook [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 1 [index] => 199 ) [9] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 227 ) [12] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <a href=" ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 247 ) [14] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 271 ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => twitter [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 2 [index] => 370 ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [20] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 395 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <a href=" ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 413 ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => " class="col-xs- ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => cols [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 437 ) [25] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => "><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a> ) [26] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => gplus [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 3 [index] => 534 ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => </div> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 536 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 4 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 4 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7] => private function section15e5731c4240bbcf7dc587d5ec9f8fa7(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('facebook'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa] => private function section8926e677c4680feaa28b2ac4135f6baa(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('twitter'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae] => private function section108373aea8fa5e5bc99317188801e3ae(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = '<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= '<a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('gplus'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" class="col-xs-'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('cols'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <div class="row text-center icn-rsx"> {{#facebook}}<a href="{{facebook}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-facebook"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Facebook</span></a>{{/facebook}} {{#twitter}}<a href="{{twitter}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-twitter"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Twitter</span></a>{{/twitter}} {{#gplus}}<a href="{{gplus}}" class="col-xs-{{cols}}"><span class="pyricon pyricon-gplus"></span> <span class="sr-only">SDTech sur Google+</span></a>{{/gplus}} </div> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_reseaux_sociaux' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => defaut [_template_admin] => archic [_facebook] => [_facebook_admin] => [_twitter] => [_twitter_admin] => [_gplus] => [_gplus_admin] => [_publie] => 1 [_publie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => icones [admin] => [module] => ReseauxSociaux [id] => [query] => [lang] => [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => [titre] => ) ) [Referencement] => Referencement Object ( [_name] => Referencement [_modules_root] => modules/Referencement [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Referencement ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [Metadesc] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [titre_page] => Nos partenaires de référencement [PAGE_VIDE_ANNUAIRES] => Le site n'est pour le moment référencé dans aucun annuaire ou guide Web [RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [INTRO_ANNUAIRES] => Le site Internet SDTech est référencé sur plusieurs annuaires de référencement et guides Web : ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_partenaires_ref' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_ariane] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_titre] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_h1] => Nos partenaires de référencement [_description] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_keywords] => SDTech sur les annuaires Web [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) )
My WARNING [512] l'action detail n'est pas implémentée pour le module Pages modules/Pages/run//detail.php on line 787 in file /var/www/vhosts/
run(#detail#,##) on line 61 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet PagesPages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 29 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype=""> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 290 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 306 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 321 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 441 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 490 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 526 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] => private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Page introuvable ! [_ariane] => Page introuvable ! [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Page introuvable ! [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) run(tableau 12#Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) #,##) on line 80 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet PagesPages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 29 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype=""> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 290 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 306 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 321 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 441 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 490 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 526 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] => private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Page introuvable ! [_ariane] => Page introuvable ! [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Page introuvable ! [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) include(#/var/www/vhosts/ on line 763 in file /var/www/vhosts/ run(tableau 2#Array ( [objet] => [action] => front ) #,#1#) on line 229 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet MainMain Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object *RECURSION* [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 29 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Page introuvable ! [_ariane] => Page introuvable ! [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Page introuvable ! [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype=""> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 290 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 306 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 321 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 441 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 490 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 526 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] => private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) run(#Main#,tableau 2#Array ( [objet] => [action] => front ) #) on line 92 in file /var/www/vhosts/ objet ModuloModulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='fr' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Annuaires [2] => Cartes [3] => Contact [4] => Droits [5] => FluxRSS [6] => Galeries [7] => Geographie [8] => Langs [9] => LiensRef [10] => Mailing [11] => Main [12] => Menu [13] => Pages [14] => Panneaux [15] => Partenaires [16] => Plans [17] => Produits [18] => Realisations [19] => Referencement [20] => ReseauxSociaux [21] => Slider [22] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 23 ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c] => __Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_ab6d8bad6995e4221fc4f7976461050c:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Pages internes [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Page introuvable ! [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 29 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype=""> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 290 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 306 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 321 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 441 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 490 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 526 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 528 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [A9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d] => private function sectionA9a96c857fafa8253f5c3856bf032f4d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SDTech</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Dernières modifications [_FILEBROWSER] => Votre bibliothèque d'images [_SALUTCONNARD] => Bienvenue sur l'interface d'administration Modulo ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-11 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href=""></a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SDTech [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SDTech [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SDTech [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 810 891 507 00016 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 100 route des Marris [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => Lécussan [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 89 70 12 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 29 [_sommaire] => 0 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_cat' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Page introuvable ! [_ariane] => Page introuvable ! [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Page introuvable ! [_description] => Page dynamique [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Plan] => liste [_action_Plan_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_rewrite] => bureau-deetudes-specialise-dans-l-etude-thermique-de-batiments [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => title [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg ) ) [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => detail [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config] => Array ( [user] => sdtech [pwd] => Dvnm347$I@p3l33z [db_name] => sdtech [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 2 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template] => archic [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => detail [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => 29 [query] => fr/realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/realisations,maisons-des-sports-psg,29 [lang] => fr [realisations/fr/fr/pages-internes/fr/module] => Realisations [titre] => maisons-des-sports-psg [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 19 [minutes] => 22 [hours] => 1 [mday] => 15 [wday] => 6 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2024 [yday] => 166 [weekday] => Saturday [month] => June [0] => 1718407339 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y h:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) )